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Football: gripped by force, Hermoso demands action against the president of the Spanish federation

Claims are multiplying and Luis Rubiales has never been so weakened. Jennifer Hermoso, who was forcibly kissed by the President of the Federation (RFEF) during La Roja’s World Cup victory on Sunday, August 20, said she was relying on her union to ensure her protection, which called for “exemplary measures” against Luis Rubiales. . “My Futpro union, in coordination with my agency TMJ, is responsible for protecting my interests and is the interlocutor (to be contacted) on this matter,” announced Number 10 in a press release broadcast by Futpro on social media.

Since the beginning of the affair, the football player has spoken only twice: the first time during a live broadcast on Instagram, where she spontaneously said with a smile: “I didn’t like it, yeah! about this kiss. A little later, in statements sent to the RFEF press, she explained that it was “a completely spontaneous mutual gesture due to the great joy that victory in the World Championship brings.”

But the Relevo media assured that these statements were actually written by the Federation’s communications service. “Strongly condemning behavior that infringes on the dignity of women,” Footpro calls for “work to ensure that such acts do not go unpunished.” RFEF will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday to address this issue.

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Posted by FUTPRO | Professional Football Players Association (@futpro_asociacion)

The league is filing a complaint.

For its part, the Spanish professional women’s football league (League F) on Wednesday called for the sacking of Luis Rubiales in a press release posted on social media. “La Liga F has filed a complaint with the President of the Supreme Council of Sports (CSD) following the very serious actions and behavior of the President of the Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, and is demanding his dismissal. »

“One of the greatest feats in the history of Spanish sport has been tarnished by the shameful behavior of the highest representative of Spanish football, who, once again, guided by his constant and habitual desire for leadership, showed that he was not up to par. the task it performs is continued by the press release. It’s not just about kissing. Celebrating a triumph on the balcony of honor, holding the genitals next to the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Infanta Doña Sofia, is unacceptable and disgusting,” in reference to another moment of Sunday evening, broadcast on television around the world. We see Luis Rubiales grab his genitals with both hands to celebrate the victory of Spain… less than two meters from Queen Letizia and the Infanta of Spain.

Since Sunday evening, the controversy around this forced kiss has not ceased to flare up, even reacting to the Spanish Prime Minister, the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE) or even the famous American football player Megan Rapinoe. Luis Rubiales, who initially shrugged off the criticism, apologized in a video where he felt there was “nothing else to do” in the face of the “hype” his gesture provoked. RFEF will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday to address this issue.

Source: Le Parisien

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