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Forced Kiss Hermoso: Spanish federation to meet in ’emergency’, Rubiales over eviction?

Forced Kiss Hermoso: Spanish federation to meet in ’emergency’, Rubiales over eviction?

Forced Kiss Hermoso: Spanish federation to meet in ’emergency’, Rubiales over eviction?

A new turning point in the Rubiales case. On Tuesday, the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) announced the convening of an extraordinary general meeting to be held on Friday, August 25 at 12 noon. The meeting was organized in “emergency” due to the attitude of the organization’s president, who forced a kiss on Jennifer Hermoso during the Women’s World Cup trophy ceremony in Sydney.

However, this general assembly was convened this Tuesday by the author of a gesture called “unacceptable” by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. From now on, Rubiales will have enough time to speak in detail, and he will be able to ask for support from the leaders of the regional federations. According to the Spanish media AS, he even decided to organize this meeting after consulting with them. Regional football bosses are already writing a statement in support of their president, COPE radio reports.

Ministers and association want to go further

If Pedro Sanchez was pleased to point the finger at the gesture of Rubiales, his vice president, then she seems to want to go further. Yolanda Diaz announced a transfer to the Supreme Sports Council for a “serious offense” and “so that machismo does not go unpunished”. The Ministry of Justice can even appeal to the Administrative Court for Sport (TAD) of Spain.

Victor Francos, Spain’s secretary of state for sports and president of the Supreme Council for Sports (CSD), said the council will take action if the federation fails to do so and could also refer the matter to TAD. According to El Pais, such a procedure may allow the president of the football federation to be removed from power.

“I assume competent people will talk to the two stakeholders and draw up a report,” Victor Francos told Cadena Ser radio. “I personally made it clear to the Federation that this report should be transparent and urgent. Because if this does not happen, we are obviously obliged to take appropriate additional measures, ”he added.

The Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE), which unites the players, also reacted to this case with a press release published on Tuesday. She “demanded that the competent authorities take the necessary measures” in view of the “seriousness” of the incident. “According to the protocol on dealing with sexual violence established by the Supreme Council of Sports, forced kissing is qualified as unacceptable behavior with immediate consequences,” said the association, which asks “to apply the law to the Rubiales case.” »

Source: Le Parisien

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