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Selection: five phrases from Reynoso that explain that he will face the Qualifiers “like a war of strategy”

Selection: five phrases from Reynoso that explain that he will face the Qualifiers “like a war of strategy”

Selection: five phrases from Reynoso that explain that he will face the Qualifiers “like a war of strategy”

Called Peruvian Selection 2023

  • Archers: Carlos Cáceda, Renato Solís, Diego Romero.
  • Defenses: Marco Huamán, Carlos Ascues, Alonso Yovera, Jhilmar Lora, Aldo Corzo, Matías Lazo, Emilio Saba, Sebastián Cavero, Rafael Lutiger.
  • Midfielders: Adrián Ascues, Yoshimar Yotún, Kenji Cabrera, Jostin Alarcón, Gonzalo Aguirre, Piero Quispe, Edison Flores, Christian Cueva.
  • Forwards: Joao Grimaldo, Matías Succar, Christopher Olivares, Andy Polo, Alex Valera, Fabrizio Roca, Bryan Reyna, Jhamir D’Arrigo.

How is this calling explained? Good part with the phrases of Juan Reynoso. Here is a free interpretation of the five most powerful.

1. “The worst scenario on this date must be 50% of the points”

The fans who are over 40 hate this word: mathematics. And his youngest son: calculator. But given the circumstances, the average 30-year generation that we have on the team and the obsessive technician who leads them, doesn’t sound bad. Juan Reynoso understands from the start that the calculations cannot fail if the team wants to reach one of the six and a half places in South America for the 2026 World Cup. In this sense, not only is his plan for this double date ambitious -3 points-, but towards the end of the process, in two years, his coaching staff has planned to reach at least the top 5 in the standings. Up to three sources with whom DT has spoken for this note explain that he even speaks of “third or fourth place” as an objective. Heading to Russia Peru took 0 out of 6 at the start. For Qatar 1 of 6.

2. “For me Ruidíaz is necessary. Even if Lapadula is, he would have been summoned. He is a great player ”.

If someone needs public support in this new process, if someone needs to lose weight, and above all, if someone needs confidence to re-engage with the national team, it is Raúl Ruidíaz. Not Cueva -who rather eats stage fright -Valdano dixit-, nor Paolo -who uses the weather against him, anxiety, as fuel-. This phrase is a preview of what will happen on the 31st, when Reynoso makes the list of foreigners official: the return of the Seattle Sounders striker to the national team. His 4 goals in 53 games condemn him, but he is embraced by the coach who knows him best on the planet.

Raul Ruidiaz…

He has four goals in 17 games in this 2023 with the Seattle Sounders.

3. “Grimaldo, Quispe and Reyna are three soccer players from our future who are in Peru today.”

Juan Reynoso has summoned Joao Grimaldo (20), Piero Quispe (22) and Bryan Reyna (24), Cristal, the U and Alianza, three footballers who renew that nostalgia -a little because of their game and their audacity, at full speed, another bit because they represent something similar to a replacement- and that they give the national team, ten days after its debut in a new Qualifiers, the opportunity to believe in different reinforcements from a tired team of eight years together that is playing the last flashes to dream of qualifying. Of the three footballers who make the fans stand up from their seats, Bryan Reyna is the one who has the best chances of starting against Paraguay. He played 6 of the 8 games of the Reynoso Era, and scored 2 goals.

Joao Grimaldo
Their numbers in 2023

league 1

25 games (20 starter)

1793 min

5 goals

4 assists

23 key passes

27 shots

16 arc

203 duels (74 wins)

73.55% successful passes (464 total)

Libertadores / South American

11 games (6 starter)

1 goal

2 assists

12 shots

5 bow

Their numbers in 2023

4. “The Eliminator is a war of strategy. The less tools are known, the better”.

Bielsa raised three meters the walls of Juan Pinto Durán as soon as he arrived in Chile, ten years ago. Ricardo Gareca sent a delegation prior to the away matches of his team. Markarián had almost no relationship with the press. In this ultra-informed world, invaded by cell phones with 4K cameras, the selection needs some kind of privacy. Not only to train the little that is trained, especially to plan, organize the teams and their strategy. The rivals – except for Brazil and Argentina – have, except Bolivia, ten times more soccer players abroad than we do. Pound for pound, we are at a disadvantage. We are not going to win one by one. The victory in the Qualifiers goes the other way. I belong to the legion of those who understand each game as a final, and the phrase “the show is to win” as a dogma. If to win it is necessary to have less exposure, take care that information that benefits the rival is leaked, and understand that personal and collective prestige is at stake, this Qualifier has to be seen like this: like a strategic war.

5. “Today the present marks that André was not very wrong when he went to Arabia, and today to the Second Division from there”

What prioritized André Carrillo to make the decision to play in the Second Arabia, a move that has scandalized notable journalists? The only thing that should not be negotiable: the tranquility of his family. André Carrillo is the father of the twins Samira and Cedric, he is happily married to the Spanish model and TV host Suhaila Jad and has a very close relationship with his parents. He has found in Saudi Arabia a lifestyle incomparable with any other country, an environment that has allowed him to play comfortably after 30 and, most importantly, economic security: from 2017 to today, he must be the Peruvian player with the most face in each transfer -about 7 million euros average, according to Transfermarkt-. It is not in his plans to return to Peru, not even to South America and that, although a reason for criticism for a demanding handful of detractors, is a decision. With this resolved, the question is: has he been a more or less influential footballer for the Blanquirroja since he left for Saudi Arabia? Serve this data as an argument in his defense: since he arrived in the Arab League -so questioned by Ricardo Gareca- he has scored 9 goals. Before that, he had only scored 2. The response of a questioned footballer is always his influence on the result, not fashion or coiffure. In the national team, he added 7 assists in the Qualifiers against Russia, four of the most important goals in the process came from his feet -Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia- and in the World Cup, each dangerous option went through his sprint. Is he influential? No, it is decisive. Without Paolo or Jefferson, the team’s offensive flag is called André Carrillo.

Source: Elcomercio

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