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Andy Polo, the thousand trades of football: Reynoso’s letter against Paraguay

Andy Polo, the thousand trades of football: Reynoso’s letter against Paraguay

Andy Polo, the thousand trades of football: Reynoso’s letter against Paraguay

the ten casualties they have hit the Peru of Juan Reynoso. It is the fall of almost an entire team, but even so, the coach has ingenuity to propose and in the eleven that tested today one name stood out above the rest. Is about Andy Pole, a player who has been placed in the ‘U’ this year as a winger, but who in the Peruvian soccer team has always had a more offensive role, and here is no exception: he would be a winger on the right wing. For Polo, commissions are not something he shies away from since during his career he has been: center forward (in the ‘U’ of Comizzo), front-line midfielder (in the ‘U’ of Solano), extreme right (in the ‘U’ ‘ by Compagnucci) and flank side (in the ‘U’ by Fossati).

Total Sport of El Comercio resolves the doubts about this change in the lineup of Reynoso.


How did you form Peru today in your morning rehearsal?

In practice, Reynoso did not hesitate and formed a line of four with Advíncula, Araujo, Abram and Trauco with Gallese, a midfielder with Tapia, Gonzales and Yotún, and an offensive trio with Polo on the right, Carrillo left and Guerrero in point. The technician runs to Carrillo from the right to allow Polo to appear.


What differences will there be between Polo’s role in the ‘U’ and the one he will have in the national team?

As soon as Jorge Fossati arrived at the ‘U’, he no longer positioned Polo as a winger but as a winger on the right, that is, as one of those wide wingers that the Uruguayan had in his famous LDU. In the national team, however, Reynoso recovered him in his old function as a winger. His obedient and tactical striker profile fits his plans.


Which technician mentioned Polo for the first time and in what position did he place him?

It was Sergio Markarián at the beginning of 2012. Polo stood out as a free forward, almost 9, in the ‘U’ and the Uruguayan coach did not hesitate. The way in which he introduced himself to Claudio Pizarro and Paolo Guerrero is famous. They say that Markarián entered hand in hand with Polo and jokingly told them: “I present to you the one who is going to take their place.” It didn’t happen exactly like that -in fact, Paolo is still playing-, but he did end up being a national team player.


Is it possible an exchange of roles between Advíncula and Polo in the game?

It is probable. It is not something very rehearsed, but if necessary, it can be a necessary resource and a worthy factor of surprise. Advíncula does that in Boca and rotates between the defensive winger and the attacking winger. Perhaps the play of interspersing with Polo against the Paraguayans could be a resource. Overall, Polo in the ‘U’ also knows what it’s like to go back a few meters and then go out and surprise.


Who would be the alternative from the bank to Polo?

João Grimaldo. Cristal’s winger is the youngest on the squad, but he has been one of the best performers in the Copa Libertadores. That background in international tournaments supports him as an option.

Source: Elcomercio

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