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Lionel Messi does not play against Bolivia for the 2026 Qualifiers: these are the reasons

The Albiceleste will have a tough test at the 3,600 m altitude of La Paz, one of the most complicated venues in the extensive eliminatory that ends in September 2025, although lately the Hernando Siles stadium has ceased to be an impregnable stronghold, as proven Argentina’s victory in the previous qualifier by 2-1.

But you have to get the strategy right and have a squad that is 100% in physical shape to leave La Paz successful. A Messi in a state of grace but tired after having played 11 games in 44 days with Inter Miami, was left out of the starting team and also from the substitute bench.

La Pulga had just saved Argentina (1-0) with an exquisite free kick goal near the end against Ecuador on Thursday at the beginning of the World Cup qualifier between the USA, Canada and Mexico, but the world champion’s machinery did not work in full.

Bolivia will be difficult for Argentina because they will try to recover in their habitat from the 4-1 defeat that Brazil gave them in the first match in Belém.

Source: Elcomercio

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