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‘Draw’ Martínez made a confession related to the video game Call of Duty and the final of the Copa América

The Argentine team won the Copa América trophy thanks to Ángel Di María’s goal at the Maracana stadium. Months after winning the title, some protagonists spoke about what happened during the tournament that took place in Brazil. A few hours ago it was the turn of goalkeeper Emiliano Martínez, who turned to the famous video game Call of Duty to combat anxiety.

“Before the final against Brazil, I liked to play the Play at night to deconcentrate myself from the game and that the next day we were going to play the final. Or on the day of the game, able to play one or two maps. I laughed a little, two hours passed and I went to the game. It distracts me, it takes me out of my mind, out of social networks and my cell phone “, recognized the Aston Villa player.

On the style of play in Call of Duty, ‘Draw’ Martínez revealed in the conversation with youtuber Sebastián Fernández that he is usually the one who is in charge. The goalkeeper who stands out in the Premier League can spend hours playing with his friends from Mar del Plata, the place where he grew up and where he fell in love with the game console.

“Of my group of friends, I am the one who goes to war, the murderer. ANDn instead of the ‘look that I eat you’ of the penalties, here I tell them: ‘Look that I shot you a bazookazo’, heh. I walk with the bazooka everywhere. I love it. Taking out football, when he got home I am with the family and later at night I have my play space to be in contact with my teammates from Mar del Plata. And I love the truth “, confessed the ex Arsenal.

Always since I was a child I liked things related to games. When I lived in Mar del Plata, it was to play ball during the day and at night, at Play, Sega or Nintendo. Today, I play Mario Kart with my son and with my Argentine friends we play Call of Duty. Sick. There are four of us and we play every night as a squad, always “added the number 23 of the Albiceleste.


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