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Six wins in 40 games, the ugly stat of Losc in C1

Still missed. Yet on the upward slope in Ligue 1, with two straight wins that launched his season, Losc again stumbled in the Champions League on Wednesday. A 2-1 defeat on the lawn of Salzburg which already compromises its future in Group G, and which confirms the historic difficulties of the northern club in the competition.

Thus, as Opta pointed out this Thursday morning, Lille won only six of its 40 matches played in C1. Only Dinamo Zagreb and Steaua Bucharest have done less well in history.

The last success of Losc in the competition dates back to November 20, 2012, on the lawn of BATE Borisov. Since then, there has been the draw and the five defeats of the 2019-2020 edition (with Valencia, Chelsea and Ajax in the pool) and the opening draw against Wolfsburg two weeks ago.

More generally, this start to the Lille campaign confirms the difficulty for French clubs, apart from PSG and OL, to get up to the level in the European Cup. L’Equipe recalled before the start of this edition that if we put aside the Parisians and the Lyonnais, our representatives have only taken 8 points out of 90 possible since 2017. RIP the UEFA index.


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