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Oblites after statements by Gareca about Peruvian players: “They were said at an inopportune moment”

Oblites after statements by Gareca about Peruvian players: “They were said at an inopportune moment”

Oblites after statements by Gareca about Peruvian players: “They were said at an inopportune moment”

Juan Carlos Oblitas, general director of Football of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), offered a press conference on Wednesday in which he spoke, among other topics, about the complicated present of the Peruvian team in the Qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup, and of the situation of coach Juan Reynoso.

One of the questions that was asked to the manager had to do with what the former Bicolor coach Ricardo Gareca indicated a few days ago, who, during a private conference offered in Lima, confirmed what he thinks of the Peruvian soccer player and said that he is “ It is a lie” to say that these do not run and that, furthermore, “they are at the level of the best leagues.”

What was said by the ‘Tigre’ generated controversy since his statements came after Peru’s defeat against Argentina in the Qualifiers in Lima, and after coach Juan Reynoso indicated that the footballers called up for the local tournament are not able to play or 60 minutes.

“I understand that Ricardo has commercial commitments with certain companies. Logically, when these commitments are signed, the signature is in advance and the dates are set by the companies that hire it,” Oblitas indicated.

“What Ricardo (Gareca) declared in that private conference is something that he has always said. It didn’t surprise me. What I do believe is that they were said at an inopportune moment, that they seemed unfortunate due to the closeness we had had in the game against Argentina and due to Juan’s statements. I hope, I know Ricardo, that was not his intention. I discussed that with Juan (Reynoso) and that is all I think has happened,” he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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