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Oblitas on Sonne: “If he is going to be called now, I don’t know, it’s up to Reynoso”

Oblitas on Sonne: “If he is going to be called now, I don’t know, it’s up to Reynoso”

Oblitas on Sonne: “If he is going to be called now, I don’t know, it’s up to Reynoso”

The general director of Football of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), Juan Carlos Oblitasindicated this Wednesday, in a press conference he offered in La Videna, that the call to the Peruvian team of the Danish player (with Peruvian roots) Oliver Sonnewas due to an “eminently technical” reason of the technical director Juan Reynoso.

He commented that the intention of the Bicolor technical command was to meet Sonne and allow the young soccer player to also get to know the Peruvian environment.

It’s not easy for a boy to come to a totally different world. They don’t know what we’ve been through to be able to have the boy’s ID. “We have had to speak with people from the Government, we have spoken with Juan so that the procedures to meet this boy can be expedited,” Oblitas declared.

It is an eminently technical reason, (he has not been summoned) because he has a Peruvian ID or because he is naturalized, or because he is blonde or dark-skinned. At no time did I hear Juan (Reynoso) say that Sonne arrived to be on the roster and play”, he noted.

Asked if Oliver Sonne will be taken into account for the double date in November, in which Peru will play against Bolivia – in La Paz – and Venezuela – in Lima -, he said that this decision It is up to coach Juan Reynoso.


EC Editorial

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Source: Elcomercio

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