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“Piero Quispe must have minutes against Bolivia and Venezuela, it is a national request” |  INTERVIEW

“Piero Quispe must have minutes against Bolivia and Venezuela, it is a national request” | INTERVIEW

“Piero Quispe must have minutes against Bolivia and Venezuela, it is a national request” |  INTERVIEW

Piero is no longer a promise, but he is the hope of the cream team: he may possibly be the next player sold abroad. He should be. He has 34 games and four goals this year, although his influence on the game is not measured only with statistics.

Quispe is the man of the moment. For this reason, El Comercio spoke with Tito Chumpitaz, one of the people who knows him best, the discoverer of him. The son of the great Héctor Chumpitaz analyzed the footballer’s moment, told some secrets and made a special request to Juan Reynoso, coach of the Peruvian team.

-How do you analyze Piero Quispe’s year in Peruvian football?

It has been spectacular and very even. He stood out in the final. Sometimes the players hide, their legs shake. Those games are what the fans, coach, and management want to see. It has been a round, consecrating year.

-Do you have little time left in Peruvian football?

I think he is close to leaving and he is definitely going to become a champion with the U.

-How long until it reaches your ceiling?

It hasn’t reached its ceiling yet. In a more competitive league his physical appearance will improve. The footballer is an animal of habit. If he plays at a breakneck pace, he adapts. And that will make you improve physically. Piero still has a lot to give. Based on his effort and simplicity, he can improve much more.

Tito Chumpitaz directs the Héctor Chumpitaz Academy.  Players like Edison Flores, Kevin Quevedo and now, Piero Quispe have come from this institution.

-Was the ‘U’ the place where Piero Quispe wanted to play and stand out?

The first place where Piero Quispe and Nelson Cabanillas went to play was Alianza Lima. Not to the ‘U’.

-In that way?

There was a request from the Alianza leadership and they were taken, but they were not taken into account. They told me that they were not doing anything, they were on the edge of the field without training. So I told them that they better return to the academy (Héctor Chumpitaz). That’s when I talked to the people from the ‘U’ and took them. Luckily for everyone they stayed.

-Is there another Piero Quispe training at the Héctor Chumpitaz Academy?

Yes. There is a boy who has gone to Alianza Lima, his name is Ángelo Gironda. He is an extraordinary player. He just turned 17 and is on the reserve team. Another who is a year older and was at Deportivo Municipal, but they didn’t make him play, they didn’t give him his place, because the club has its youth teams and the coach trusted them more. His name is Christian Vega, he is very good. For me that is the next figure. He is the closest thing to Piero Quispe, although much faster and a goalscorer.

Quispe has been summoned by Juan Reynoso for the double date of the Qualifiers.  (Photo: FPF)

-He was talking about how he believes Piero Quispe is close to leaving. Is it the right time now or is it better to wait until you are at the club for the year, the year of the centenary?

I think that if you have the opportunity to emigrate you have to do it. The train doesn’t pass twice. You never know what can happen. Let’s hope it continues to grow and soon goes abroad.

-The name of Piero Quispe is no longer repeated by fans of the ‘U’, but also from all corners of Peru. They want to see him with the Peruvian team. Should he have minutes against Bolivia and Venezuela?

I think it should. She’s earning it. And I don’t think it’s a request out of affection or because they know him, it’s a national request from all the people who want to see a different player in spirit, joy on the field of play. That’s what people want to see. Not an apathetic team, without joy, without intensity. They want to see eleven Pieros Quispe in the national team. He fulfills that and people ask for it.

Source: Elcomercio

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