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Fabian Bustos arrived in Peru to direct Universitario: “We go for everything, with humility and a lot of work”

He is already in the country. Fabian Bustos, new technical director of Universitario de Deportes, arrived in Peru to become the strategist of the cream club in the year of its centenary.

The Argentine coach arrived at the Jorge Chávez airport on Friday night and had brief contact with the national press.

“We are going for everything, with humility and a lot of work,” he said in a message to the merengue fans, before his official presentation as coach of the ‘U’.

Bustos and the new technical command of Universitario will be presented this Saturday at a press conference that will be attended by Jean Ferrari and Manuel Barreto, administrator and sports director of the institution, respectively.

Source: Elcomercio

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