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‘Cuto’ Guadalupe arrived in Panama to say goodbye to Luis Tejada: “He was a brother to me”

Former Peruvian soccer player Luis Guadalupe arrived in Panama this Monday to say goodbye to his former colleague and friend Luis ‘Pana’ Tejada, who died on Sunday, January 28 after suffering cardiac arrest during an exhibition match. The former player of Juan Aurich, Universitario de Deportes and Sport Boys, among other teams from Peru and abroad, died at the age of 41.

In Panama he was a person who was very recognized and loved by all Panamanians, and they have also felt this great loss of a great human being, a great soccer player, and for me a brother who gave me soccer. I was able to share with him at Aurich and Vallejo”Guadalupe said in dialogue with RPP Noticias.

Everyone knew ‘Pana’, the heart he had, he was a very humble person. He was very supportive of his children, wife and mother. I identified with him, because he was happy. “He leaves a great legacy both in his country and in Peru, both in Aurich, Vallejo, Sport Boys, Piratas and Universitario, it is impressive,” added the popular ‘Cuto’, who traveled to Panama representing the Juan Aurich de Chiclayo club.

Guadalupe remembered a very special moment she lived next to ‘Pana’ Tejada:

“In 2018 he invited me to spend the New Year here in Panama with his family. I had a spectacular time. “I’m sure that if it had happened to me, he would have also done the same thing to be with my family, because he is part of the family,” ended.

Source: Elcomercio

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