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After the departure of Carlos Sainz: Lewis Hamilton will sign for Ferrari in 2025

Earthquake in Formula 1. The British driver Lewis Hamilton, seven-time world champion, will join the Ferrari team in 2025 after 12 seasons at Mercedes, the Italian team announced this Thursday, from which the Spanish Carlos Sainz will leave.

“Scuderia Ferrari is happy to announce that Lewis Hamilton will join the team in 2025, with a multi-season contract,” the legendary team said in a statement released a few minutes after Mercedes announced his departure at the end of the 2024 season.

In August Hamilton, 39, had renewed until the end of 2025 with Mercedes, a team he joined in 2013, but he had a clause to leave the German team at the end of the 2024 season.

“The time to overcome this stage has arrived and I am happy to start a new challenge,” Hamilton said in the statement distributed by Mercedes.

“I will always recognize the incredible support of my Mercedes family, in particular Toto (Wolff, team director), for his friendship and leadership, I want us to finish well.”

“The decision to leave has been one of the most difficult I have made, I have spent eleven extraordinary years in this team,” added the Briton.

The rumor of the signing of hamilton by Ferrari starting in 2025 started this Thursday morning from the Italian site and was later joined by media from across the continent such as L’Equipe, the BBC and Gazzetta dello Sport.

hamilton will occupy the place of the Spanish Carlos Sainz Jr, who this Thursday announced on social networks his departure from the Scuderia at the end of the 2024 season, just when the arrival of hamilton.

Source: Elcomercio

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