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With absences, injuries and strategy: Who is the favorite to win Alianza Lima vs Universitario, according to the AI?

With absences, injuries and strategy: Who is the favorite to win Alianza Lima vs Universitario, according to the AI?

With absences, injuries and strategy: Who is the favorite to win Alianza Lima vs Universitario, according to the AI?

More than three months after the “blackout” that marked the final won by University of Sports in view of Lima Alliance The lights come back on for another Peruvian classic. Rematch? Nothing further. This match has enough spices to be attractive on its own and not play with the antecedent of the definition of the League 1 I bet you from last year.

The scenario changes -El Nacional for Matute-, the technicians are different (now there are Bustos for Fossati and Restrepo for Larriera), but the expectation is very high. Alianza Lima tests its almost renewed squad against a Universitario that reinforced its champion team to seek the two-time championship. The appetizer is also attractive: both put at stake the undefeated in the Apertura 2024 of League 1 I bet you.

What to expect from this classic? Goals and football. Taking advantage of the latest release of Gemini, Google’s Artificial Intelligence tool, we asked you about the absences, strategies and favorites of Alianza Lima vs Universitario. These were their responses.

Question: Which team will win the Peruvian soccer classic between Universitario de Deportes and Alianza Lima this Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the National Stadium in Lima?

It is impossible to predict with certainty which team will win the Peruvian soccer classic between Universitario de Deportes and Alianza Lima this Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the National Stadium in Lima.

Both teams are very even and come to the match on equal terms.

Here are some factors that could influence the result of the match:

Home: Alianza Lima plays at home at the National Stadium, which gives it a slight advantage.

Motivation: Universitario de Deportes will seek to consolidate itself after the victory in last year’s final.

History: In recent years, Universitario has had better performance in the classics.

Current moment: Both teams arrive at the classic with a good level of play.

Tactics: The coaches’ approaches will be key to the development of the match.

Individualities: The performance of key players such as Hernán Barcos (Alianza Lima) and Edison Flores (Universitario) could be decisive.

In short, the Peruvian soccer classic is a very close match and difficult to predict.

We just have to wait until Saturday, February 10 to see who wins.

University player refines his eleven ahead of the match with Alianza Lima (Photo: U press)

Question: What football strategy should coach Fabián Bustos of Universitario de Deportes use to beat Alianza Lima?

Answer: Strategies for Universitario de Deportes to beat Alianza Lima:

Defensive Phase:

High pressure: Prevent Alianza Lima from leaving cleanly from the back, forcing errors and recovering the ball quickly.

Zonal defense: Close spaces in the center of the field and prevent Alianza Lima from finding spaces to filter passes.

Individual marking: Put pressure on Alianza Lima’s key players, like Hernán Barcos.

Be careful with counterattacks: Alianza Lima has fast and skilled players who can take advantage of spaces on the counterattack.

Offensive Phase:

Play on the wings: Exploit the speed of Universitario’s wingers, such as Andy Polo and Nelson Cabanillas, to generate crosses into the area.

Use the aerial game: Take advantage of the height of your players to win duels in the rival area.

Triangulations and quick touches: Search for spaces in Alianza Lima’s defense through short and associated play.

Long distance shots: Try your luck from outside the area.

Other important aspects:

Maintain concentration: The classics are very intense matches and it is important not to make specific mistakes.

Motivation: The coach must motivate his players to go out and win the game from the first minute.

Confidence in the game: Universitario has a good team and must trust in its abilities to beat Alianza Lima.

It is important to remember that there is no magic formula to win a classic. Coach Fabián Bustos must analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, and propose a strategy that adapts to the characteristics of his players.

Alianza Lima receives Universitario at the National Stadium.  (Photo: League 1)

Question: What football strategy should coach Alejandro Restrepo of Alianza Lima use to beat Universitario de Deportes?

Answer: Strategies for Alianza Lima to beat Universitario de Deportes:

Defensive Phase:

Maintain possession of the ball: Control the pace of the game and prevent Universitario from having the ball.

High defensive line: Prevent Universitario from creating danger in the Alianza Lima area.

Individual marking: Put pressure on Universitario’s key players.

Be careful with set pieces: Universitario has strong players in the aerial game.

Offensive Phase:

Quick attacks on the wings: Exploit the speed of Alianza Lima’s wingers to generate crosses into the area.

Use the game between the lines: Look for spaces in the Universitario defense through filtered passes.

Triangulations and quick touches: Wear down the Universitario defense with short and associated play.

Long distance shots: Try your luck from outside the area.

Other important aspects:

Maintain concentration: The classics are very intense matches and it is important not to make specific mistakes.

Motivation: The coach must motivate his players to go out and win the game from the first minute.

Confidence in the game: Alianza Lima has a good team and must trust in its abilities to beat Universitario.

It is important to remember that there is no magic formula to win a classic. Coach Alejandro Restrepo must analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, and propose a strategy that adapts to the characteristics of his players.

Cecilio Waterman has already scored two goals with Alianza Lima on two dates in League 1 I Bet You |  Photo: Eddyn Nole / @photo.gec

Question: How much will the absence due to expulsion of Rodrigo Ureña against Alianza Lima this Saturday, February 10, 2024, affect the functioning of the Universitario de Deportes game?

Answer: The absence of Rodrigo Ureña due to expulsion will affect the operation of the Universitario de Deportes game against Alianza Lima this Saturday, February 10, 2024 as follows:

Impact on midfield:

Loss of balance: Ureña is a key player in Universitario’s midfield, providing balance and removal. The absence of it could generate greater imbalance in the spinal area.

Less ball recovery: Ureña is a player who recovers many balls in midfield. His absence could make it difficult for Universitario to recover the ball.

Less arrival to the attack: Ureña also joins the attack on occasions and provides danger. His absence could take away the team’s finish and goal.

Possible solutions:

System change: Coach Fabián Bustos could change the game system to adapt to Ureña’s absence.

Change of players: Bustos could opt for players with similar characteristics to Ureña.

Greater intensity: The Universitario players will have to redouble their efforts to make up for Ureña’s absence.

In short, the absence of Rodrigo Ureña is a significant loss for Universitario de Deportes. However, the team has players with the ability to make up for his absence and achieve a good result in the classic.

Question: How much would Pablo Sabbag’s presence in Alianza Lima contribute if he gets to play the classic against Universitario de Deportes?

Answer: The presence of Pablo Sabbag in Alianza Lima would contribute the following in the classic against Universitario de Deportes:

On attack:

Greater experience: Sabbag is a player with experience abroad and in the Syrian national team, which gives an extra quality to Alianza Lima’s attack.

More options in attack: Sabbag gives Alianza Lima one more option in attack, along with Hernán Barcos.

Goal: Sabbag is a player with a goal, and has scored important goals in his career.

In the aerial game:

Power: Sabbag is a powerful and strong player in the air, which allows him to win duels in the rival area.

Header: Sabbag is a good header, and can score goals with his head.

In the collective game:

Mobility: Sabbag is a mobile player who can move throughout the attack front.

Unmarking: Sabbag unmarks himself well and can create space for his teammates.

However, it should be noted that Sabbag has not played for Alianza Lima in a while, and may not be at 100% fitness.

In short, the presence of Pablo Sabbag would be a great reinforcement for Alianza Lima in the classic against Universitario de Deportes.

Millonarios showed interest in having the services of Pablo Sabbag.  (Photo: Alianza Lima)

Source: Elcomercio

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