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“We have to respect the rival beyond a result”: what Alianza and Universitario will do in the coming days after the acts of violence between barristas

“We have to respect the rival beyond a result”: what Alianza and Universitario will do in the coming days after the acts of violence between barristas

“We have to respect the rival beyond a result”: what Alianza and Universitario will do in the coming days after the acts of violence between barristas

As reported by the National Police and the Minsa, this confrontation left four people injured by gunshots, two adults and two children aged 11 and 12, the latter with a projectile impact to the head. According to information accessed by El Comercio, three of the injured are stable, while the 12-year-old boy underwent emergency surgery at the Pediatric Emergency Hospital where he was transferred after being stabilized at the Hipólito Unanue.

“The patient was hit by a bullet that entered through the parietal and exited through the other, causing an injury to the brain, with exposure of the brain mass,” reported Dr. Carlos Bazán, director of the Hipólito Unanue hospital.

The patient’s situation is delicate, and according to the same specialist, due to the impact he received, “he would have consequences.”

The other minor, 11 years old, received a gunshot wound to the chest with a laceration of the lung and liver. He was immediately intervened in a task that lasted seven hours. He is also in Intensive Care, in a stable condition.

—Messages for peace—

Although the ball continued to roll in League 1, the Universitario and Alianza Lima stores decided to launch a joint statement regretting the episodes of violence and urging the authorities to identify and punish those responsible and committing to fight to eradicate this evil. in our football.

It was followed by separate statements from League 1 and the Peruvian Football Federation under the same tenor. For this reason, Videna assured Deporte Total that they are already “working with the areas in charge of each club to develop content with messages against violence.” This campaign would work with the leading players of each team to have a greater impact on the fans.

Changes in the Law

For Enrique de la Rosa, former director of the Sports Security Directorate of the IPD, the Law that prevents and punishes violence in sports events (30037) must be reviewed.

The Disede does not have the capacity to sanction, so it cannot act at that level against the clubs.

Evaluate increasing the perimeter of the safety rings. For now it is only 500 meters around a stadium.

Improve the plan with the Police for the transfer of baristas and ensure that municipalities comply with supervising actions in the venues, such as the sale of alcohol, among others.

Changes in the Law

“The message we want to give is that we are rivals only on the field and we have to understand that passion has a limit. “We have to respect the rival beyond a result,” declared yesterday Bruno Marioni, sports manager of Alianza, who promised to delve deeper into this type of messages since lately the relationships between intimates and friends have not been the best off the field. .

However, the problem goes beyond that and it is known that it is a problem of citizen insecurity in which our country, and especially the capital, lives. For Enrique de la Rosa, former director of the Sports Security Directorate of the IPD, a joint plan must be worked on with the bars, hand in hand with the Ministry of Education, Health, among others, to seek to give another path to fans who confuse their passion with crime.

Source: Elcomercio

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