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Tribunes without people: the analysis of why this is a populist measure that does not attack the violence of the bars and attacks the ‘U’ and Alianza

Tribunes without people: the analysis of why this is a populist measure that does not attack the violence of the bars and attacks the ‘U’ and Alianza

Tribunes without people: the analysis of why this is a populist measure that does not attack the violence of the bars and attacks the ‘U’ and Alianza

The administrators Jean Ferrari (‘U’) and Diego Guerrero (Alianza), as well as members of the FPF and Liga 1, met yesterday at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) with Alberto Otárola. After each presenting their point of view, the prime minister announced that Alianza will have the south stand closed this Sunday against Comerciantes (Villa El Salvador) and the ‘U’ will have the north stand closed against Huancayo on Friday, March 1.

“This is an initial message and if this continues there will be more meetings and more measures will be taken for this problem,” Ferrari said.

Alianza participated in the meeting but did not sign the minutes considering that they were harmed by the measure due to acts of violence that were committed within the framework of a University match.


The measure has been criticized by sports actors and is explained by specialists. “It is an easy measure because the barristas are still going to move to other stands. They are not going to stop going to the stadiums,” says criminal lawyer Iván Torres La Torre.

In that sense, Alianza plays this Sunday and its Comando Sur bar has already announced that, despite the restriction, it will be present in Villa El Salvador. “Close the south and we will go north,” they announced on their networks.

Criminal lawyer Iván Torres La Torre

It is a facile measure that simply closes stands and attacks the freedom to attend sporting events. What is going to happen is that these barristas are going to move to the east or west. Those who lose are the sports lovers and the clubs are financially harmed.

Instead of closing stands, there must be a police plan that allows the mobilization of the audience, observation with security cameras and, above all, police intelligence, which knows very well who these mafias embedded in the bars are.

It is a shame that they are dedicating themselves to taking easy measures that do not solve anything. The Minister of the Interior or the director of the PNP must come out to guarantee peace of mind for all the families who are going to attend the shows. The measure is not going to solve.

Clubs are responsible for their bars and are the first to ensure that their bars promote sport and encouragement of their teams, not violence or crime. Clubs must maintain registration and control of their bars and not allow mafias to infiltrate.

The Police have to follow up on these disturbers of public order, carried out with the collaboration of the municipalities. It’s a cobweb job with each district. The barrista will still go to the periphery of the stadium even if the stands are closed.

With this, the closure of the stands would not help to fight against violence, since the bad fans are still going to move and there are other fans who will not be able to go to a popular stand. “This puts everyone in the same bag. There are good fans who go to the popular one,” Edu Flores, sports marketing specialist and CEO of Toque Fino, tells us.

Meanwhile, PNP General Enrique Monroy asked that work be done on reforming the law and that the clubs resume the issue of registration and fences. “We have put on the table modifying the distances of the perimeter fences,” he said. Today it is only five blocks around and does not address what happens in other districts.

For lawyer Torres La Torre, “what there must be is a plan that allows observation with security cameras and police intelligence to identify the mafias infiltrated in the bars.” This requires work between all those involved, including the municipalities.

Thus, Peruvian soccer remains in a hole of violence that populist measures do not help to save it.

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Source: Elcomercio

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