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Olympic Games 2024 in Paris: complaint against deputy general director of Cojo rejected

Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee (Cojo) deputy director general Mikael Aloisio was the subject of a complaint of favoritism and influence peddling filed on August 23. The petitioner, Sébastien Chesbeuf, a former employee of Cojo with whom he has a conflict, denounced the terms of the government contract awarded in 2023 by the Pak region as a pre-nomination dossier for the 2030 Winter Olympics.

This Wednesday, the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (NFP) said it closed the complaint on January 18th. “The elements used did not allow us to suspect an infringement on the principles of equal treatment of candidates, transparency of procedures or freedom of access to public procurement, as well as influence trading,” the PPF clarified.

“This decision to dismiss the complaint was expected: it was necessary given the completely frivolous and defamatory complaint,” said Mikael Aloisio Me’s lawyer Julie Fabregets.

The organization of the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, which organizing committee president Tony Estanguet intended to make “exemplary”, is currently the subject of four separate financial investigations, relating in particular to the latter’s remuneration or suspicions of favoritism. when concluding contracts.

In particular, the markets for the opening ceremony scheduled for July 26, 2024 on the Seine in Paris, or the Olympic torch relay, are analyzed.

Source: Le Parisien

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