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Cristal coach after Always Ready’s 6-1 win in the Copa Libertadores: “We are very disappointed”

Enderson Moreira, coach of Sporting Cristal, indicated that in comparison of the second phase of the Copa Libertadores 2024.

This is a 180-minute match and only 90 were played here. However, I cannot say that it will be possible to win in the second leg, because it is a very difficult task. We are very tired and disappointed with what happened. That’s football, one moment you’re fine, the next you’re not.”said the Brazilian strategist.

Furthermore, Enderson Moreira highlighted that Playing in a high-altitude city like El Alto, which is 4,090 meters high, “is very difficult” and the performance of the players is different.

Something needs to be clarified: playing at this height is very difficult. The behavior of the players is completely different, with a different approach, it involves an issue of adaptation. It is not easy to play here, it is not, but the fans know that they have the team to propose a better game. We have a complicated score that we will try to compensate for in Lima and look ahead.. The team is sad now, it is sad, but we are going to improve”, he expressed.

However, Enderson Moreira emphasized that Sporting Cristal “will do everything possible” to achieve a victory against Always Ready in Lima and turn the score around.

I am deeply sorry for our fans who do not deserve that, who must be very disappointed, but I promise you that everything possible will be done to seek a victory in Lima. Yes, there is a huge difference (due to goals), but we will go one step at a time. First the victory and then going goal by goal. We are going to prepare for that“, he pointed.

Source: Elcomercio

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