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Attack on the Eiffel Tower: Anouk Garnier’s crazy challenge to climb 110 meters on a rope

For her, this is a “little session.” Ten climbs in a row, about a hundred meters in total. Anouk Garnier sometimes does doubles in the capital’s climbing wall, installed in the old chapel, where a rope has been hanging especially for her for a year. That Friday’s session left him with a “strange” aftertaste.

In fact, this is the last one before the big day, the real climb that awaits the 35-year-old fitness trainer: climbing a 110m rope dropped in the center of the Eiffel Tower square to the 2nd floor. The absolutely crazy record was set by the length of the climb, not by the timer. The attempt, which was supposed to take place on Wednesday 3 April, was postponed due to unfavorable weather (too strong winds) and was rescheduled for Wednesday 10 April.

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Source: Le Parisien

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