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Fatal minute 95: a new ‘carelessness’ that leaves Alianza empty-handed in the Cup | CHRONICLE

With a goal in the last minute, Alianza fell 1-0 against Cerro Porteño in Asunción in a match where they once again gave the ball to their rival, but this time in the few moments they had, they did not know what to do with the ball. And when he dared to shoot at the goal, he had no precision.

And he lost it with a play that was born from De Santis’ lack of determination to go and fight for the ball in attack. The local counterattack was born and despite the efforts of Zambrano and the inactivity of Aldair Fuentes on the rebound, Carrizo’s final shot slipped into the blue and white goal.

That Alliance defends well, it is known. That Zambrano has once again been the leader in defense and Garcés a timer behind has been confirmed in every duel they have had to play. But the debt of the intimates is with the handling of the ball. Because the book is known: Rodríguez takes the exit to connect the lines, but yesterday he couldn’t find a way.

He was the one who gave the most passes (32), but he looked for Serna as many times as for Garcés, six for each and another four for Zambrano and three for Ramos. He played almost half with the center backs, that is, he also had to play backwards in search of a safe pass.

That a rival gives you space to appeal to epic counterattacks does not usually happen often in the Libertadores. And if you don’t know how to close such a tight match (throwing it into the stands or making time for a corner), and on top of that you miss two clear chances (De Santis and Rodríguez), the game ends up taking its toll on you, even in the 95th minute .

Alianza suffers the Cup. Suddenly scenes from 2024 seem to be from the tournament from 20 years ago, with the Peruvians defending themselves – only with a little more order, without their goalkeeper being a hero -, but with the doubts of knowing if they will endure everything the match. That costly error always appears. Always.

Source: Elcomercio

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