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Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Laura Manaudou will become Olympia’s second torchbearer

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Laura Manaudou will become Olympia’s second torchbearer

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Laura Manaudou will become Olympia’s second torchbearer

Just a symbol! Twenty years after winning the Olympic 400m freestyle title in Athens, Laura Manodou will return to Greece and the magic of the Games. The former swimmer was named as the second torchbearer on Tuesday, April 16, in Olympia to mark the start of the flame’s journey.

Information from our colleagues at RTL was revealed this Sunday evening in the program “On refait le sport” in partnership with Le Parisien. The first relay will be led by Greek Stefanos Ntouskos, Olympic champion in rowing at the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games.

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Posted by Laura Manaudouoff (@lauremanaudouoff)

Thus, he would pass the flame to the Frenchwoman, who at that time was also a silver medalist in the 800m freestyle and a bronze medalist in the 100m backstroke. Along with her brother Florent, who will be attempting to win a fourth Olympic medal this summer, Laura Manodou is one of the “captains” of the Olympic torch, along with Dimitri Pavade (long jump) and Mona Francis (paratriathlon).

Lighted in the Peloponnese, as tradition dictates, the flame will then travel to Athens to board the Belen. This will be followed by a crossing of the Mediterranean Sea. The French will be able to welcome him on May 8 in Marseille, before the start of the epic throughout the country, including in the West Indies.

Source: Le Parisien

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