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‘Pasaje Lolo Fernández’: the ‘U’ tribute at the Monumental Stadium to its greatest idol | VIDEO

University of Sports prepared an important tribute to Teodoro ‘Lolo’ Fernándezhis greatest idol, inside the Monumental Stadium.

Through the cream club’s social networks, a video was shared that presents a series of murals with the image of its goalscorer.

This is the ‘Pasaje Lolo Fernández’, located in the family stand of the Universitario stadium, where attendees will be able to take photographs during their experience at the Monumental.

“Legendary and immortal. An example of humility, dedication and loyalty, his legacy will always guide us on the path to greatness,” the publication reads.

This is in commemoration of the 111 years since Lolo’s birth, for which the merengue club has prepared a series of activities.

The remembered scorer from Universitario scored 345 goals, and was champion in 1934, 1939, 1941, 1945, 1946 and 1949.


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Source: Elcomercio

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