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In Blanc-Mesnil, Papa Gueye also fights cyberstalking on football fields.

“When did you get your first phone?” “This question makes Papa Gueye, Olympique Marseille midfielder, smile. “At 13, call your parents from the training center,” answers the professional footballer, standing on the lawn of the Blanc-Mesnil Sport football field of honor (Seine-Saint-Denis) this Wednesday at the end of the day. Several children are laughing in front of him. They received their first mobile phone almost four years ago.

On the occasion of the “Orange Football Lover” initiative, the native of Montreuil, who began playing football at the age of 6 on those very fields of Blanc-Mesnil, came to meet the young shoots of his former club. Together they analyze the exercise they just participated in: an arranged version of the chicken-fox-viper with a ball in its foot.

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Source: Le Parisien

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