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Piero Quispe happy for the University title in the Apertura: “Don’t forget how great there is only one” | VIDEO

One of the happiest for obtaining the 2024 Apertura Tournament University of Sports is Piero Quispeformer player of the cream team, who was present at the Monumental de Ate to encourage his former teammates and celebrate the title at the end of the match.

After the 4-0 win against Los Chankas, and in the midst of the celebrations for winning the first tournament of the season, the current Pumas de México footballer declared to Gol Perú and expressed his happiness for the success of the team he loves.

“The ‘U’ had to play its game, it did and was champion. It was difficult to leave this beautiful club that gave me everything, I hope to return later and I will always be grateful to them. The ‘U’ is my life, I have been a fan since I was little and I am very happy that today I am champion,” said Quispe.

At the end of the interview and after thanking him for the space he was given to express himself, the young soccer player left a message for all the fans: “Don’t forget how big there is only one.”

The ‘U’ goals in the 4-0 victory against Los Chankas were the work of Edison Flores (2), José Rivera and Alex Valera.


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Source: Elcomercio

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