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The unexpected message from Cristiano Ronaldo to Kylian Mbappé, after his arrival at Real Madrid

The endless intrigue came to an end today: after more than seven years of rumors and courtship, French soccer star Kylian Mbappe He committed this Monday for five years to Real Madrid, a club he dreamed of since his childhood.

A story with a happy ending for both parties. In a statement expected throughout the day by the press around the world, Real Madrid made official the arrival “for the next five seasons” of its new galactico, a priority for the Spanish giant that had been trying for years to snatch it from PSG.

The 25-year-old striker, for his part, never hid his love for Real Madrid, with posters of his idol Cristiano Ronaldo adorning the walls of his childhood room in Bondy (a Parisian suburb), although on more than one occasion he was upset to the Madrid club.

After his signing, his idol, ‘CR7’ sent him a message via social networks. “My turn to watch. Excited to see you light up the Bernabéu.”

Source: Elcomercio

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