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Percy Olivares: “Quispe is within the natural process that has to go through to become a Cueva or one much better than him” | INTERVIEW

He was a soccer player, is a qualified coach and was recently a panelist for ESPN, where he forged his own style to give his opinion with the most absolute sincerity. Today, at 56 years old and having passed each stage, he ventures into a new facet: that of the interviewer in his program ‘Out of the System’, an alternative space on YouTube recently created and with almost four thousand subscribers in just over two weeks. In that sense, Deporte Total spoke with Percy Olivares about his new project, the challenge of making serious sports content in times of so-called ‘brutality’, his intention to convey to those who see him behind the screen and the current situation of the national team. Peruvian, who is getting ready to play the 2024 Copa América in the United States.

How was ‘Outside the System’ born and why the name?

More than an idea, it is a feeling. It may or may not be right, but it’s a feeling I have. I live like this in the work aspect. The name comes from a reality of mine. Of course I cannot be outside the system, because I am inside; but my idea is not to be within the system, because I feel that there is my own way of living. It’s like I don’t fit in because that’s how I feel. The idea itself came from my son. In that conversation, in a somewhat ‘hesitant’ way, they told me: ‘you live outside the system.’ I told them: ‘I don’t live outside, but I try not to be part of it.’ I feel that. And that feeling has to do with so much that I have experienced. I have been in the lion’s den when I played and after I retired I saw everything there is. It’s something I can’t resign myself to.

When you say ‘I’m not resigned’, is there an intention that you want to contribute something or change a situation?

Completely. I don’t intend change, but what I want to contribute and tell people, everyone I know, is that not all of us are obliged to follow them. My contribution goes there. If I were outside, I would say: ‘I hope a program appears that I want to see and not that I have to see, because there is nothing more to it than that.’ That’s where my contribution goes. There are many people who were waiting for something like this. It could be me or anyone else. Knowing that I am contributing something different to society leaves me calm. Afterwards, if there is any change or not, it is complicated. I don’t intend to change the world, just contribute.

How would you define the style of the program, taking into account the whirlwind of sports content on different social networks?

It is a well-kept style. Visually, I try to make people not see a labyrinth for their heads, but rather tranquility. Which is not more of the same. And as you may have noticed, it is a calm atmosphere, a high style. Within what my capacity allows me, I try to make it a window with a conversation, firstly, healthy and contributing, and secondly, trying to get to the bottom of it. Thank God I have that plus for having been a former soccer player, that confidence of getting to the bottom of things with the people invited. The little time I have had on television has allowed me to enjoy a credibility in which the guest knows what he expects of me, he knows that I am going to try to get to the bottom of it. That essence is what I don’t want to lose.

Prioritize quality beyond ‘likes’…

Doing this to sell is totally outside of what I want. Of course it’s also a business; but I clarified it to the boys. I put together a good group that my son is also in and I told them that style is not about making money. We all want to win, but what we want first of all is to transmit and contribute. In the time we’ve created this, the guys got the idea. There were many people at the beginning, but not all of them had that quality.

You have a particular way of expressing your points of view and many times these are not well received by people. How do you handle criticism?

The more I see people who are against me, the more correct I am. This world is a little upside down. What I don’t want is for everyone to like me, but for the people who get hooked – be it a few or many – to agree with me. I don’t have the truth, but I’m sure that what I’m doing is contributing. I’m not a gold coin to please everyone.

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You were a footballer, ex-footballer, coach, panelist and now an interviewer. What has it been like to go through each stage until reaching this new facet?

I have a group of professionals who know about the subject. I am able to sit in front of a person, get to the bottom of it and have the personality to do it. The boys are giving me guidelines and I am learning. I don’t consider myself an interviewer. Many people talk about the professional capacity of the interviewer and the ‘tricks’ he has to get things out of you. I’m not one of those. I have Erick Osores as an example. He is the best interviewer I know. I have learned a lot. Having worked with him for a long time, he always knew who I am and what I am like. We have disagreed millions of times, but with heights. He taught me that and gave me advice. Hey, I didn’t get to this because I set out to do it. I am a qualified coach, but life did not take me there, but somewhere else. And without realizing it I have been doing this for more than ten years. My essence is to contribute.

These days there is a lot of sports content where the confrontation, the controversy, the show, the ‘brutality’ sells more. What’s your opinion about it?

I don’t review comments. That is something they (work team) do and they communicate it to me. I live in peace, calm. I enter (social networks) from time to time and post a comment when I feel I should. That’s how I interact, not much. But I am interested in people who want to be heard. There I come in and comment to resolve that issue. I am not going to solve any problem through networks. If I think I can contribute to their forms of discussion, I do so. They know who they are talking to. If you do not address me correctly, I will not answer or pay attention to you.

Are you a person who prepares a lot?

I prepare myself in life. I read because I like it and what I feel I should read. On my social networks I have phrases of mine, from day to day, from what I see and read. As soon as it comes to mind, whether it’s in the car or somewhere else, I write it down so I don’t forget. I learn every day. I really like walking among people. You can’t imagine me walking in my pajamas through the streets, in the market. I do it on purpose. I get on the buses from the market from Magdalena to San Miguel, because I want to experience and feel things. It is a way of life. A long time ago I stopped living the way everyone thinks I should live. And I have eaten my roches. People judge you, but I prioritize learning. And it is a beautiful learning and feeling.

The Peruvian team and Luis Advíncula on the left

Did you see Peru vs Paraguay?

It’s been many years since I went to the stadium. I work with my children, with Christopher and Percy. They work on planning their jobs outside the club. They told me to go to the Monumental and I went.

What positive and negative conclusions can be drawn from the game?

Very little positive. I am very specific in saying it. We need to improve the level a lot. I will not go into tactical issues. Everyone needs to raise their level for the Copa América. What was shown against Paraguay was very little. I heard some commentators say that we are just getting started. I heard that same comment years ago. And whenever a process begins, it repeats itself. We have to be objective

Did you like to see Advíncula playing with the profile changed to the left?

I did not like. I mentioned it in the program I work on. Now it’s Advíncula, but I don’t like it, having the footballers we have and who are doing well, seeing them play in positions that are not theirs. And I say that having felt it myself. They told me to play goalkeeper and I was going to do it. But the feeling is different and there has to be maturity on the part of the footballer to say where he has to play and why he feels good.

Luis Advíncula played as a left winger against Paraguay.  (Photo: AFP)

Should we dare to tell the technician?

It is not bad to tell a coach, with the personality that each one has, where to play and in what position. There is normal communication. It’s not about daring, it’s part of football.

Do we miss playing with a ’10’?

Everyone plays at being a technician and even at being a fortune teller, because they are missing the Cueva of 2020. If you ask me between Piero Quispe and Christian Cueva, I prefer Piero Quispe. Because I know that in a year or two, he will be at a better level than Cueva, as appropriate, within a natural process. This is not with Cueva. For me, he is the essence of Peruvian football five years ago if I’m not mistaken. At the time. Not today. He doesn’t have to be. And people who understand football continue with this topic. Quispe is within the natural process that has to go through to become a Cueva or one much better than him. There is no more discussion about what we need.

Is the same thing happening with Paolo Guerrero?

With both. It’s not just a Cave. And there are a few more, but they are still giving. In the case of the two of them, football is obviously saying ‘thank you’ to them. The opinion is based on a reality, unobjectionable and that everyone sees. Cueva may play three good games in the Copa América, but we should not be afraid to say that his natural process is already over.

What to expect from this team in the Copa América?

Raise your level. One of the footballers I trust a lot and believe can still be done is André Carrillo. He’s not at the level he normally could be. I commented on that on my show. If André Carrillo is at that football and broadcast level, Peru wins and well. So, I have a very particular hope in him. And in everyone in general.

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Source: Elcomercio

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