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eSports Olympic Games: IOC confirmed the creation this morning

The German Thomas Bach, president of the organization, reported this at the end of a meeting of the Executive in Lausanne (Switzerland). The IOC assembly must approve this decision in the Session that will be held in Paris on the eve of the Olympic Games, from July 22 to 24.

“With this decision the IOC takes a huge step forward to keep pace with the digital revolution,” Bach said. The IOC is already in “advanced talks” with a potential venue and an announcement on where and when these electronic sports Games will be held can be expected shortly, the organization indicated.

The Olympic values ​​“will be a red line that will never be crossed.” Bach assured that the Olympic values ​​“will be a red line that will never be crossed.”

The IOC already organized the Virtual Olympic Series in 2021 and in 2023 the Olympic eSports Week, in which more than 130 gamers participated.

For the future Games, which will have “a separate structure” from the traditional Olympics, the federations that already have an electronic version of their sports will be the first at whose door the IOC will knock to form the sports program.


Source: Elcomercio

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