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They are approaching Paris 2024: Peru beat Uruguay and qualified for the semi-final of the beach volleyball pre-Olympic

Peruvian volleyball maintains the hope of becoming Olympic again, but this time with beach volleyball. The national team competes in the Pre-Olympic Championship in Asunción, and qualified for the semifinals of the competition after beating Uruguay.

The format pits countries against each other in a best-of-four series. Yesterday, Bicolor beat Uruguay 3-1. The Peru 1 duo, formed by Claudia Gaona and Lisbeth Allca, beat Uruguay 2 (Lucas and López) 21-11 and 21-9, then Uruguay 1 beat Peru 2, made up of Kyara Becerra and Edith Gonzales (18-21 , 21-18 and 15-9).

In a duo duel 1, Gaona and Allca put Peru ahead by beating Uruguay 1 (Bianchi and Acuña 20-22, 21-13 and 15-8), so that Kyara and Edith close the series with a hard-fought 21-14 and 23-21 over Uruguay 2.

This Saturday, June 15, Peru faces, from 10 am, the local Paraguay in search of getting into the final. Chile and Ecuador compete in the other key and only the winner of the tournament will have a place to go to Paris, along with the already qualified Brazil.

The Peruvian delegation to Paris has 22 qualifiers so far, and it is expected that more representatives will continue to join

Source: Elcomercio

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