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Carlos Zambrano accused of indiscipline in Boca: the antecedents that do not play in favor of the Peruvian

Carlos Zambrano accused of indiscipline in Boca: the antecedents that do not play in favor of the Peruvian

Carlos Zambrano accused of indiscipline in Boca: the antecedents that do not play in favor of the Peruvian

Carlos Zambrano again is in the eye of the storm in Boca Juniors. The central player plays very little in the xeneize team. Moreover, it was not considered in the 0-0 draw against Newell’s. At the beginning it was commented that the Peruvian defender stayed on the bench due to intoxication and now, according to Argentine media, it would be indiscipline.

In the previous match against Newell’s, it was reported that Edwin Cardona, Sebastián Villa and Carlos Zambrano arrived at the concentration intoxicated. This motivated that Sebastián Battaglia decides to leave the three players on the bench.

There was also talk that there was an internal fight. As a result, some of them were punished. However, that was denied by himself Battle at a press conference after the game.

“I totally deny that there was a fight between members of the squad. Edwin Cardona, Sebastián Villa and Carlos Zambrano had intoxication, that’s why we made the three changes ”, declared the Boca Juniors coach.

However, the Argentine media that cover the day to day of Boca Juniors confirmed that Batagglia ended up seating these three players due to an act of indiscipline.

The journalist Leandro Aguilera reported that Edwin Cardona, Sebastián Villa and Carlos Zambrano were intoxicated when they were released on Monday from 12 noon to 10pm. It is not known what the players ate or drank. In addition, he assured that the squad endorsed Battaglia’s decision to seat them.

Argentine programs gave many minutes to this topic.

  • Boca Juniors: Carlos Zambrano would have committed an act of indiscipline, according to TyC Sports
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It is not the first time that Carlos Zambrano appears in extra-sports news. Throughout his career he has appearances on programs that do not cover football. Since he has been at Boca Juniors, he has already been involved in issues that are unrelated to football.

At that time, parties or family gatherings in Argentina were not prohibited, but they did have a limited capacity of attendees. However, Olé reported that there were more than 50 people at that meeting.

“This does not go down well. The party took place in a private setting, prior to a day off and in the middle of a preseason, but what happened is not right either because of the pandemic or because of the week that the club was experienced, “said official sources of the xeneize club to Olé.

That same month, Carlos Zambrano he was again involved in a confusing fact. The defender of Boca Juniors and the Peruvian team, according to La Nación, was investigated for an alleged run over to a young delivery man.

The aforementioned source also indicated that those close to Zambrano assured that “the Boca footballer did not flee from the placeInstead, the person who was accompanying him approached the accident area and stayed until the police personnel informed him that the victim had suffered minor injuries and would be transferred in an ambulance ”.

Carlos Zambrano: this is how TyC reported on the defender's accident.

Carlos Zambrano also had many controversies in the Peruvian team.

The stay of Carlos Zambrano is not being the best in Boca Juniors. Since he arrived at the Argentine club in early 2020, he has played 32 games. He is not considered in the starting team and is one of the players most criticized by the demanding xeneize fan.


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