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Joshua Kimmich won’t play again until 2022 due to Covid aftermath

Bayern Munich midfielder Joshua Kimmich, unvaccinated and contaminated at the end of November with Covid-19, is out of quarantine but will not play again until 2022 due to physical sequelae, the German club announced on Thursday. “I am happy that my quarantine is over. I’m doing great, but I can’t train fully yet due to a slight injury to my lungs, ”the 26-year-old said in a statement.

Absent since November 6

“So I’m going to be doing some fitness workout and can’t wait to be back full time in January,” he added. The midfielder will miss the last three league games scheduled for December, namely the receptions of Mainz (December 11) and Wolfsburg (December 17) and the trip to Stuttgart (December 14).

His last meeting now dates back to November 6 against Friborg. A few days later, he was fired from the German selection for having been in contact with his teammate Niklas Süle, who was positive. He then missed the two meetings in November against Liechtenstein (9-0) and Armenia (4-1).

The political class gets involved

Kimmich was placed in quarantine again on November 19 for having rubbed shoulders with a person positive for Covid-, then had himself tested positive. The player’s choice not to be vaccinated had sparked endless debates in Germany. The Minister of the Interior had even urged him to be vaccinated.

Many, in the press or among politicians, have accused him of sending a negative signal, in a country where the vaccination rate is insufficient (69.3% of people fully vaccinated). Germany is currently hit by a new wave of contaminations. To deal with this, the new social democratic chancellor Olaf Scholz will ask parliament to vote on the vaccination obligation which, if approved, will come into force in February or March.


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