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David ‘Pantera’ Zegarra lost a unanimous decision to Julio César Chávez Jr. | VIDEO

Lima, December 19, 2021Updated on 12/19/2021 08:46 am

Last Saturday night, the Peruvian David ‘Pantera’ Zegarra again got into a ring, nothing less than to face Julio César Chávez Jr., the ‘Son of the legend’. The fight took place under the great expectation of the public in the city of Culiacán, and finally the victory was in the hands of the Mexican boxer.

The stage was carefully set up in the Palenque of the Livestock Fair of the state of Sinaloa and the protagonists jumped into the ring, in search of the desired victory. From the beginning, the representative of Peru was aggressive, trying to impose conditions in the first rounds.

‘Pantera’ Zegarra had prepared in the best way for this fight and this was also reflected in his good physical condition. Precisely, that aspect was somewhat criticized by Julio César Chávez Jr., who did not arrive in his best condition, although that did not prevent him from showing his talent with gloves.

The ‘Son of the legend’, outside the first round, was dominated in the next three rounds, but from the fifth he began to react. Motivated by the presence of his father, who was on the side of the ring, Chávez Jr. came back in the confrontation, combining accurate and powerful shots.

The two boxers showed swelling on their faces, a product of the exchange of punches, and the fatigue was beginning to show. Knowing the minimal disadvantage, ‘Pantera’ risked a little more, although he did not have enough precision to deal damage to his opponent.

However, David Zegarra was left with the last round, according to those in charge of the transmission, and the decision of the victory was in the hands of the judges. Although the final score for both fighters was not known, Julio César Chávez Jr. was declared the winner by unanimous decision.


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