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Kylian Mbappé predicts a victory for PSG over Real Madrid: “I want the Champions League”

Lima, December 27, 2021Updated on 12/27/2021 03:38 pm

There is just over a month to go before activity in the Champions League resumes, but Kylian Mbappé is already thinking about the key that his PSG will face against Real Madrid in the round of 16. The Frenchman, the best player of 2021 at the Globe Soccer Awards, was even encouraged to make a prediction.

“The only thing I can see or predict for Real Madrid-PSG is the victory of Paris Saint-Germain. It’s going to be a tough and complicated game, but I want to win the Champions League and the World Cup in 2022 ″, assured the footballer with full confidence, in dialogue with Sky Sport.

At the gala held in Dubai, Mbappé also expressed his ambition to make football history, without looking back and focusing his attention on new challenges, always with the aim of continuing to reap achievements.

“It is a great pleasure to be here with great football legends. I thank my club for believing in me, my team for giving me so much, my family for always being with me. It is a great motivation to win to return next year for individual and collective prizes”, Indicated Mbappé.

Earlier, in an interview with which the gala began, the French forward presented his vision of his career, without revealing whether he will continue at PSG, to which he left words of thanks, or will start new challenges at Real Madrid. He has four days left to be a free player to negotiate his future, having not renewed the contract that binds him to the Parisian club.

“I want to win and then win more. If you see the world of football there are great players and if you fall asleep, anyone can take your job away. I’m a lucky guy who plays for a great team and a great national team but I don’t look back, or what I’ve won, my goal is to keep winning. I want to make football history by following my path “, he stated.


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