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Pablo Míguez after obtaining Peruvian nationality: “It is a very great happiness”

Pablo Míguez after obtaining Peruvian nationality: “It is a very great happiness”

Pablo Míguez after obtaining Peruvian nationality: “It is a very great happiness”

Lima, January 11, 2022Updated on 01/11/2022 04:05 pm

Obtain Peruvian nationality “it is a very great happiness”, Declared Pablo Míguez, player of Alliance Lima, who from this season will stop occupying a place as a foreigner in the ‘intimate’ set.

The Uruguayan-born soccer player signed his Peruvian nationality title on Tuesday at the headquarters of the National Superintendency of Migration. Upon leaving the office located in Breña, he expressed how he feels about this new step on a personal and professional level, making clear the love he feels for Peru.

Peru is a country that I had to arrive, it opened the doors for me and I am happy. I have been to various places, but when I arrived in this beautiful country I felt comfortable. It was a personal aspiration to have Peruvian nationality”, Said Miguez, who was granted Peruvian nationality by naturalization in Supreme Resolution 289-2021-IN, where it was ordered that Migrations register him and extend the title of naturalization.

The blue and white footballer also thanked the support received in the process. “I have achieved the goal of complying with the process that takes time; But is it worth it. I thank all the people from Migrations who participated in my nationalization”He added.

After signing his nationalization title, Míguez will participate in a special swearing-in ceremony that will take place in the next few days virtually.


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