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The ‘Machine’ struck first: ‘Charly’ Rodríguez made it 1-0 for Cruz Azul vs. Juarez | VIDEO

Lima, January 15, 2022Updated on 01/15/2022 10:41 pm

‘Charly’ Rodríguez began his story with Cruz Azul in a spectacular way. In his debut with the ‘Machine’, the midfielder scored a goal. And, as if that were not enough, this Saturday night, the game once again inflated the net of the rival goal. The victim was Juarez.

At the Azteca Stadium, the former Monterrey player was in charge of signing the 1-0 just at minute 5 of the first half. Rodríguez received a pass from Uriel Antuna in the area, he didn’t get nervous at all and defined with a lot of class, from the right.

Blue Cross vs. Juarez: the previous

Cruz Azul arrives motivated for this match, after beating Tijuana 2-0 on the first date. Carlos Rodríguez and Rafael Baca scored the goals that allowed those led by Juan Reynoso to start off on the right foot this year.

Precisely, the author of the second entry applauded the effort of his teammates after the victory against the ‘Pack’. “A more dynamic team was seen and that can only be done by the youth, I liked this transformation, bringing quality players who come to give the freshness that was needed”He pointed out at a press conference.

“The incorporation of all those who arrived was good and that brings internal competition, I think that when we won the championship it was something that happened because it brought out the best of the one who played and the one who was on the bench”, he added.


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