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The fastest ransomware in the world and 5 tips to avoid it

The fastest ransomware in the world is capable of encrypting 53 GB of data in just over four minutes, with speed and efficiency equivalent to the danger of these programs that ‘hijack’ the hard drives of affected users.

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According to a report prepared by Splunk, a data analytics platform used to investigate and monitor areas such as applications, systems and IT infrastructure, LockBit is capable of encrypting 53 GB in four minutes and nine seconds, a figure that contrasts with that of other programs They usually take several hours to act.

To carry out their list of the most dangerous ‘ransomware’, in Splunk they have created four different profiles of ‘victims’ in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. Next, they have selected ten different families of ‘ransomware’ and ten samples of each one of them to test them.

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In total, Splunk has run 400 different ransomware runs to study how long it takes to encrypt and hijack 53GB of 98,561 files before asking users to pay for the decryption key.

Although the best mark has been obtained by a sample of LockBit, with four minutes and nine seconds, the average duration of encryption of the entire family has been five minutes and 50 seconds.

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It is closely followed by the Babuk ransomware family, with an average time of six minutes and 34 seconds to act, and Avaddon, which closes the podium with its 13 minutes and 15 seconds. At the tail, the Mespinoza family, with their time, 54 minutes and 54 seconds.

Tips to avoid being a victim of ransomware

Jorge Zeballosgeneral manager of ESET Peru, commented in a past interview granted to Trade that ransomware is one of the digital threats that has evolved the most for this year. For this reason, he gave us a series of recommendations so as not to fall prey to this tool used by cybercriminals, which are:

Ransomware has become one of the most fearsome digital threats due to its constant evolution today. (Photo: iStock) (gorodenkoff/)

Source: Elcomercio

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