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A Dutch luxury hotel reproduced in the video game, the management protests

There are advertisements that we could do without. The Conservatorium, a 5-star hotel located in Amsterdam (Netherlands) knows something about it. The management of the establishment recently discovered that its building appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

In the new opus of the franchise released at the end of October, the developers of the video game have reconstituted the Dutch hotel within which the players can evolve and compete. The building is called “Breenbergh”. No wonder so far call of duty often having fun reproducing real places in his universes, reports Geo.

A building protected by law

Problem: the management never authorized such use of the image of the building, as she explained to the Dutch media Volkskrant. “We do not support games that encourage the use of violence” denounced the director of the luxury hotel. “The game in no way reflects our core values ​​and we regret our apparent and unwanted involvement. »

In addition, the architecture of the hotel, which dates from the beginning of the 19th century, is protected by copyright, in particular by virtue of European legislation. However, the developers and publishers of the game never contacted the owners of the building either to ask them for permission or even to inform them of the reproduction.

Finally, the high-end hotel fears that its “presence” in a war game will harm its reputation and the influx of customers. The institution is therefore considering legal action against call of duty to right his wrongs.

Source: 20minutes

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