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Apple: Former employee admits to being guilty of stealing more than  million from the company

Apple: Former employee admits to being guilty of stealing more than $17 million from the company

Apple: Former employee admits to being guilty of stealing more than  million from the company

Dhirendra Prasad, former employee of Manzana, pleaded guilty last Tuesday to committing fraud while still working at the company, after having stolen more than US $ 17 million. His role at the Cupertino firm was to buy parts from suppliers.

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According to ABC News, Prasad, 52, worked at the company between 2008 and 2018, in the department of Global Service Supply Chain. In his position, the former worker accepted bribes and stole materials.

“This also resulted in Apple having to pay for items and services that were never received.”added the Department of Justice to the medium.

The defendant pleaded guilty to “a count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, as well as one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States.”. Furthermore, those involved Robert Gary Hansen and Don M. Baker, they were also charged and pleaded guilty.

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One of the crimes committed by Prasad occurred in 2016, when sent “components of Apple inventory to the company of HansenQuality Electronics Distributors, Inc. This allowed the owner of said company“repackage these components and charge Apple for them”. The Profits from this purchase order were divided between both characters.

On the other hand, the US government has already taken legal possession of the US$5 million in assets of Dhirendra Prasad. If he is found guilty by justice, He will face up to 25 years in prison.

Source: Elcomercio

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