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Jeff Bezos will donate part of his fortune valued at US $ 124,000 million to combat climate change

Jeff Bezos will donate part of his fortune valued at US $ 124,000 million to combat climate change

Jeff Bezos will donate part of his fortune valued at US $ 124,000 million to combat climate change

The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, announced the donation of most of his fortune to philanthropic causes. The tycoon, who is the fourth richest person in the world, has not provided further details, apart from mentioning that he wants to combat climate change.

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In an interview with CNN, Bezos first mentioned the issue. The interviewer Chloe Melas was the one who made reference to this, to which the businessman replied that he plans to “give away most of your wealth in your lifetime”.

The founder of Amazon is the fourth richest person in the world according to the Bloomberg medium, since he has to his credit a net worth of $124 billion.

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“The hard part is figuring out how to do it in a leveraged way… It’s not easy. Building Amazon was not easy. It took a lot of hard work, a lot of very smart teammates, and I’m finding, and I think Lauren [Sánchez, la socia de Bezos] is finding the same thing, that philanthropy is very similar. It’s not easy, it’s very difficult.”he told CNN.

Bezos joins the list of businessmen planning to donate their wealth to charitable causes. Bill Gatesfounder of Microsoft, also leaned towards the same decision some time ago after indicating that he plans to give away “practically all” his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, considered the world’s largest private charity.

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The businessman has made donations to charitable causes before, when in 2020 he announced the creation of the Bezos Earth Fund, where he also promised to dedicate US$ 10 million to fight climate change.

Source: Elcomercio

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