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YouTube shows the estimated time videos take to process based on their quality (SD, HD, and 4K)

Youtube has built into Studio estimates of the time videos will take to render at their different quality levels (SD, HD, and 4K) after they’ve been uploaded to the platform, a feature with which it hopes to provide more insight to users.

The time it takes for a video to be processed on the platform depends mainly on the type of file, its format and its weight, among other factors. Higher quality videos take longer to upload, so one in 1080p will load faster than other 4K.

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Currently, the platform indicates the quality of the video chosen by the user at the bottom of its interface, as well as the percentage of video that has been processedwithout further information on the pace of uploading the file.

To offer more detail about this processing to content creators, the platform has announced that it has introduced a box with information in this same place, where the loading times of the video appear.

In this section, now indicates how long it will take to upload a videoas well as a graph that represents the processing completed in each of the quality levels (SD, HD and 4K).

Source: Elcomercio

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