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CES 2023: TCL’s augmented reality smart glasses that translate, take photos, play music | VIDEO

The TCL brand presented, during the CES 2023 from Las Vegas, the new RayNeo X2 glasses, which use augmented reality to function as smart ‘wearables’.

The RayNeo X2 may, according to TCL, translate texts in real time, take photos, film in first person and play music. In addition, they also have Simultaneous GPS location and mapping (using the SLAM system) and recognize certain body gestures. Just touch the top corner of the frame to activate its functions or open the palm of your hand to project the city map.

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The Chinese firm revealed that they will not yet be available to the public, but only for developers from the first quarter of 2023, but that will later go on the market.

The RayNeo X2 have a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 processor. The lenses, which at first glance look like normal glasses, have color binocular microLED waveguide optical display technology to project images onto the lenses.

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Smart glasses achieve a contrast ratio of up to 100,000:1 and a brightness of up to 1,000 nits. Here you can see the presentation of the lenses and what they are capable of.

On the other hand, TCL also provided information on its smartphones and tablets with Nxtvision displays, as well as information on its Nxtware S smart glasses.

Source: Elcomercio

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