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Apple pauses development of augmented reality glasses to work on a cheaper mixed reality headset

Manzana is working on a cheaper version of a mixed reality headset, which would complement the product category that they are expected to launch at the end of the year with their first headset, but which has led to delays in the development of augmented reality glasses.

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The tech company has been working for seven years in its first mixed reality headset that, after several delays, will be launched in the fall of this year under the name Reality Pro, according to the Bloomberg analyst and journalist. mark gurman in early January.

The helmet will be a high-end product with a price that will oscillate between US$ 2,000 and US$ 3,000, as Gurman also noted in November. A price justified by its configuration, since in addition to using the processor Apple Silicon M2, It would integrate more than ten cameras, motion tracking sensors, and use high-resolution screens.

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However, according to statements from sources close to the company collected by Bloomberg, Apple is developing a low-cost version of these mixed reality headsets, which would be presented in 2024 or early 2025.

In this sense, the American company considers some ways of get a more affordable price. One of them is by using the chips it uses in iPhones, instead of the components it includes in high-end Macs.

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In this way, Apple would manage to reduce the price of the device to bring it closer to the price of competitors such as Meta.

However, the company led by Tim Cook has had to delay the development and launch of other of its projects. One of them is the augmented reality glasses, according to sources close to Apple and Bloomberg.

Thus, the company is focusing on the development of mixed reality viewers instead of augmented reality glasses. In the first moment, Apple intended to launch augmented reality glasses in 2025but has postponed the release indefinitely and reduced development work on these glasses.

Source: Elcomercio

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