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A hacker wanted to sell 9 million data on the Internet, but was arrested by the authorities

A hacker wanted to sell 9 million data on the Internet, but was arrested by the authorities

A hacker wanted to sell 9 million data on the Internet, but was arrested by the authorities

A hacker in the Netherlands has been arrested for having stolen nine million data from citizens of Austria with the intention of selling them in Internetas announced on Wednesday by the Austrian Police.

The data came from the GIS database, the company that manages the payment of the fee for the use of radio and television services in Austria.

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The theft of the information, caused by a failure in the technology company that was updating the database, occurred in 2020 but the person responsible was not arrested until last November, experts from the Federal Criminal Police Office assured, according to reports the APA agency.

Among the stolen data were practically all of the census: names, dates of birth and addresses of all the people affected.

The Austrian authorities received information that someone was offering such data through a hacker forum in New Zealand, and began the investigation in collaboration with the authorities of that country.

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Finally, a 25-year-old man of Dutch nationality who had some 130,000 databases in his possession was identified.

In addition to Austria, the data came from countries such as the Netherlands, Thailand, China, Colombia and Great Britain.

Among these data were information related to health and patients.

Source: Elcomercio

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