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Apple seeks to break away from Google: the company develops its own search engine

Apple seeks to break away from Google: the company develops its own search engine

Apple seeks to break away from Google: the company develops its own search engine

Manzana intends to get rid of the services of Alphabet, the parent company of Googlein its mobile operating system, which is why it is working on improving its own services in maps, search and online advertising.

According to the statements of two former Apple engineers collected by the Financial Times, the company keeps “resentment” to Google since it acquired the Android operating system and made it the main software for mobile phones. In fact, one of the sources assures that Apple is directing a “silent war” against Google.

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In this sense, former employees of the technology giant point out that the modus operandi that Apple is using in this “war” is to advance in fundamental sectors such as maps, developing functions that allow the separation of Google products from its iOS operating system.

Thus, Apple began to implement the Maps app in 2012, dispensing with Google Maps services as a pre-downloaded application, although at the beginning it was a failure for the company. Since then, The Cupertino company has included improvements over the last decade that have made it a competitor at the level of the Google maps application.

One of its latest enhancements is Business Connect, a feature Apple launched earlier this month that allows businesses to customize their information cards in the mapping service so they can interact with users, share offers and other content.

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With this launch, it manages to differentiate itself from Google by offering iOS users functions that they can only get with this app and therefore this operating system. For example, integration with Apple Pay or the text conversation app for businesses, Business Chat.


Another aspect in which the company run by Tim Cook is working on is a search enginein which it has been investing resources for a few years for the function known internally as ‘Apple Search’, with which they facilitate “billions of searches” per day, as assured by project employees and reported by the Financial Times.

This project began in 2013 when the company acquired TopsyLabs, a startup that used Twitter to enable search and analytics. This technology is the one used by the Siri voice assistant tool or the search function of Mac Spotlight.

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But above all Apple began further developing its own search engine since it bought machine learning startup Laserlike at the end of 2018, which was founded by three former Google engineers. In fact, according to The Information exposed in November in an analysis, Apple could launch its search engine in at least four years.

However, removing Google search as the default search engine in Apple’s operating system would cost him millions of euros. Alphabet pays Apple between $8 billion and $12 billion a year to make Google the default search engine on its devices, according to the US Department of Justice.


Finally, The last field in which Apple has ambitions to lead against Google is in online advertising.. Alphabet obtains more than 80% of its income thanks to this sector, according to the Financial Times.

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In this framework, Apple published a job posting to promote the design of the Demand Side Platforms (DSP) platform. “most advanced and sophisticated possible in terms of privacy”where advertisers and agencies buy advertising inventory in an automated way.

This movement, as suggested by the Financial Times, would be an indication that Apple intends to build an advertising network “novel”.

In addition, the company has other advertising initiatives. For example, in October Apple announced the implementation of more ads in the App Storeincreasing possibilities for advertisers within the app in the ‘Today’ section and in the ‘You might also like’ section.

Source: Elcomercio

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