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This is what Peru would look like in 2023 if the Spanish had not arrived 200 years ago, according to an AI

This is what Peru would look like in 2023 if the Spanish had not arrived 200 years ago, according to an AI

This is what Peru would look like in 2023 if the Spanish had not arrived 200 years ago, according to an AI

artificial intelligence (AI) midjourney It is one of the most popular today. It is enough to give it a series of instructions so that it graphs images of all kinds with the highest quality and speed. Regarding this, El Comercio asked this AI to show its vision of what Peru would be like in 2023 if the Spanish had not arrived in our country 200 years ago.

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These eight ultra-realistic images are the product of a previous search for midjourney and in them we can see details such as a new Peruvian flag, cities in the middle of the desert, Andean people, mountains, soldiers and even animals like a llama.

In case you don’t know, midjourney is a free artificial intelligence to which you indicate what you want to graph and in a matter of seconds it produces it. Not only that, but we can also tell the AI ​​to apply certain graphic styles such as renaissance paintings, cyberpunk auras, or ultra-realistic designs.

LOOK: In just 72 hours: a man wrote and illustrated a children’s book using ChatGPT and Midjourney

Here we leave you some other galleries made thanks to artificial intelligence:

A man wrote and illustrated a children’s book using ChatGPT and Midjourney in 72 hours

Ammarr Reshi, a product design manager, wanted to give a book to the daughter of one of his friends, with a story of his own. Not having much experience in illustration and the creative writing process, she sought help, but this time she turned to artificial intelligence.

In December, used the new OpenAI chatbot, ChatGPT, to write ‘Alice and Sparkle’a story about a girl named Alice who wants to learn about the world of technology and her robot friend, Sparkle. He then used Midjourney, an AI art generator, to illustrate it.”, reports Business Insider.

In one weekend, Reshi completed a process that could take many years. “Just 72 hours later, Reshi self-published his book on Amazon’s digital bookstore.. The next day, she had the paperback in her hands, made for free through another Amazon service called KDP.”, adds the medium.

According to Reshi, he spent no money to create his book, except for the subscription to Midjourney, which he already had before and which is equivalent to $30 a month.

Source: Elcomercio

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