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The United States and the European Union will jointly investigate the uses of artificial intelligence

The United States and the European Union will jointly investigate the uses of artificial intelligence

The United States and the European Union will jointly investigate the uses of artificial intelligence

The United States and the European Union signed an agreement on Friday to bring together experts from both regions and investigate the artificial intelligence together, as well as study technologies related to the protection of privacy.

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The White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, assured in a statement that this collaboration will enable advances in artificial intelligence to address global challenges in areas such as extreme weather and climate forecastsemergency response management and improvements in health and medicinein addition to the optimization of the power grid and agriculture.

We are confident that the results of our research will extend beyond our relationship and benefit other international partners and the global scientific community.Sullivan noted.

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This collaboration, in line with the commitment of the US and EU Council for Trade and Technology (CCT), continues with the objective contained in the Declaration on the Future of the Internet (DFI) of an open Internet and digital technologies, free, reliable and secure all over the world.

Source: Elcomercio

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