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Netflix has removed the function that suggested titles randomly: why?

Netflix has removed the function that suggested titles randomly: why?

Netflix has removed the function that suggested titles randomly: why?

Netflix has removed the ‘Surprise Me’ feature, which was intended to suggest a random TV show or movie to users, due to its relatively low usage by subscribers.

The ‘Surprise me’ or ‘Play something’ function came to the streaming services platform in 2021. It is a button that appeared in the Netflix menu and suggested series or movies to users to watch when nothing came to mind .

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These suggestions appeared based on the user’s previous playback history on the platform. And just by pressing the button, it started a title directly.

However, Netflix has removed this ‘Surprise me’ option, which was no longer available in January, as indicated on its website. In this sense, according to statements by the platform’s spokesperson to The Wall Street Journal and collected by Europa Press, the decision was based on the relatively low use of the function by users.

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Likewise, the spokesperson for the platform explained that users “they tend to use the service with a specific show, movie, or genre already in mind”. Therefore, Netflix will continue to explore “other ways to give members more choice and ways to explore and discover the content they want to see”sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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