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Microsoft limits Bing with ChatGPT to prevent its AI from getting confused

Microsoft limits Bing with ChatGPT to prevent its AI from getting confused

Microsoft limits Bing with ChatGPT to prevent its AI from getting confused

In early February, Microsoft confirmed that the ChatGPT artificial intelligence was going to be integrated into its Bing browser. A few days after its premiere, the North American company has confirmed that it will limit the AI ​​to prevent it from giving unsatisfactory responses or, in any case, from being confused.

This is due to the fact that in recent days various users have published on social networks that the version of ChatGPT on Bing after a long conversation it starts to get confused because its complexity increases with each new message.

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From Microsoft they have recognized the error and have decided to limit the number of entries that each user can make per day. Specifically, a maximum of 50 messages per day can be sent to Bing with ChatGPT and each session will be limited, in turn, to five requests. After reaching that figure, the user will have to clean the contextual cache to start the conversation from scratch.

The new version of Bing that includes artificial intelligence is being released in all regions of the world from February 8. (Microsoft/)

According to information from Microsoft, Bing with ChatGPT has the ability to provide a response with five or fewer messages. Likewise, on its website, the technology company points out that “only 1% of chat conversations have more than 50 messages.”

This new version of Bing with ChatGPT is already available worldwide, but its implementation in the different regions is being gradual. If you want to try it, you must enter and choose the Try it option. After that we will go on the waiting list.

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Although we still can’t take advantage of what the improved Microsoft browser will be like, Bing already shows a preview of what its new version with ChatGPT will be like with questions or specific instructions such as ‘Create a three-course meal’, ‘Help plan my special anniversary trip’, ‘What art activities can I do with my child’, ‘Can you help me get fit?’, ‘Write a rhyming poem’ , etc.

The version of Bing with ChatGPT is being released gradually in different regions.  In Peru it is not yet available, but Microsoft shows you some examples.

The version of Bing with ChatGPT is being released gradually in different regions. In Peru it is not yet available, but Microsoft shows you some examples. (Microsoft/)

Source: Elcomercio

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