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Photographer confesses that his photos were generated by AI and “more than 95% of followers do not realize it” |  PHOTOS

Photographer confesses that his photos were generated by AI and “more than 95% of followers do not realize it” | PHOTOS

Photographer confesses that his photos were generated by AI and “more than 95% of followers do not realize it” |  PHOTOS

The artificial intelligence it has become a tool that is generating debate in the field of images. This time, a photographer has confessed that his images have been generated by artificial intelligence.

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Is about Jose Averywho has more than 26,000 followers on Instagram and has revealed that the portraits he posts have been created with Midjourney. This tool is capable of generating images in minutes just by entering a phrase.

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A post shared by Avery Portraits & Art (@averyseasonart)

“[Mi cuenta de Instagram] has increased to almost 12,000 followers since October, more than I expected”pointed out to the Ars Technica medium.

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“Probably more than 95% of the followers don’t realize it. I would like to be honest”he added.

The medium points out that Avery wanted to do this confession in the media because every time he gets more nervous when it comes to making a publication.

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The content creator stressed that even though his images are not actual photos, they still need a lot of art and retouching to give the feel of photorealism. To make it, use Midjourney and then Photoshop to touch up those that don’t look so convincing.

My original goal was to fool people to teach this AI and then write an article about it, but now it has become an artistic outlet. My point of view has changed, ”she finished.

Source: Elcomercio

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