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Young Lebanese man creates wind turbine for his home with the help of YouTube tutorials

Today everyone is looking for new forms of energy, new alternatives. And in Lebanon, a 25-year-old man managed to make a wind turbine to generate electricity at home, helped by YouTube tutorials and some books.

Muhammad al-Sabsabi used recycled material to give them a new use: last year he already made a prototype of this turbine that he installed on the balcony of his grandmother’s house, in a town in Akkar.

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Why did you choose this area of ​​Lebanon? According to the Ecoinventos page, it is one of the windiest locations in the country, where it fits very well for the development of alternative energy.

The wind power generator was installed on the roof of the young inventor’s house. (Photo:

Al-Sabsabi studied Literature to be a school teacher, but his curiosity led him to work on this electricity generator. In this way he perfected the prototype wind turbine to have free and unlimited electricity.

This machinery is made of barrels attached to steel beams, welded to a wagon wheel. All the equipment is fixed to a metal beam and is located on the roof of his house. It has the capacity to supply energy to an entire home.

It is an alternative to not depend on the electricity supply.

Source: Elcomercio

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