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The return of the great sailing ships: project takes up old and ecological method

The return of the great sailing ships: project takes up old and ecological method

The return of the great sailing ships: project takes up old and ecological method

Everything returns to its origin. The maritime industry developed taking advantage of the impulse of the wind to move large vessels. Today they work with motors that pollute the environment. However, a project proposes the return to the use of sails, but rigid sails.

This proposal was born at the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom, by a team of scientists working with the innovative system that alleviates the need to burn fuel.

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According to a report on the Hybrid and Electric page, researchers are making progress in the creation of advanced software that makes it possible to fully exploit the effect of the air, just as it was done centuries ago, with huge crossed sails that were adjusted according to the direction of the wind.

But on this occasion, the ships would undergo a modification on their deck to receive the rigid sails called FastRig wings, from the British company Smart Green Shipping. They are about 20 meters high and would be deployed at specific times to reduce the need to use the engines.

Researchers are seeking funding to make the prototype. It would be the alternative to electric boats. (Photo:

“This is an innovative project because the technology can be retrofitted to existing vessels to rapidly reduce emissions from existing vessels,” said Joseph Banks, lead author of the study.

And there are other alternatives: electric boats, hydrogen and solar energy boats. The difference is that it would be new vessels that would add more units and consumption. On the other hand, there is still no launch date and the project is seeking funds to develop the first prototypes.

Source: Elcomercio

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